If Geraldine Chung’s Doing It, We Want to Too

If Geraldine Chung’s Doing It, We Want to Too

When we first met with Shop LCD about carrying SIDIA, we were struck by their founder, Geraldine. Much like you'd expect from the coolest boutique, laden with labels like, Sandy Liang, Wales Bonner, By Far, Geraldine's inimitable style, visionary taste, green hair and generosity of spirit just make her the girl you want to be.

It figures that much of Geraldine’s style and attitude she credits to the outspoken Chinese women who raised her, and the lessons she learned from them along the way. And while her brainchild, LCD, closes at the end of the year, they’re celebrating their icon status with a major blowout sale (you should head over there to snag some SIDIA and cute shoes).


From school in Taipei to NYC to LA, what does 'home' feel like to you?

“New York has always felt the most like home to me. It's the first place I ever lived where I truly felt free to express and explore different facets of my personality without judgment.”


Who are the important matriarchs in your life?

My life is dominated by amazing women! My mother raised 3 children in a foreign country while barely speaking the language. She instilled in us such strong values and taught us critical life skills that I feel are underappreciated nowadays: discipline, courtesy, and a willingness to work hard.” 


“My mom's sister, my aunt Shuling, had a HUGE impact on my life. She was the first outspoken Chinese woman I had ever met, and she showed me there was life outside the homogeneity of Chinese culture. She was so ahead of her time—in the 80's she was the only person I knew who wore Birkenstocks, recycled paper and glass, voted Democrat, and brought reusable grocery totes everywhere.”

“Turning 40 was the best thing that ever happened to me. You get to an age where you feel so comfortable in your own skin. It not only silences the self-doubt but also puts everyone around you at ease too, because you're just so much more comfortable and accepting of yourself.”


What lessons have you picked up from them? Style, intuition, spirit, life, skincare?

“From my mother: the joy of an expressive print and the value of investing in quality garments. From my aunt: caring about the Earth matters, every day in all the small things you do.” 

What piece of advice would you give your younger self?


“Learn about the ‘sunk cost fallacy’ before it's too late!”

From a background in tech and music, what made you decide to open LCD?


“When I moved to New York, after working in the music industry for several years, I saw how much the industry suffered from the aftermath of music digitization and so I wanted to work in a field that still prized physical products. Having a strong background in tech allowed me to marry my love for fashion and the desire to work in physical goods and create an online boutique with a curation of my favorite independent fashion brands.”

If there was another city you'd open an LCD storefront, where would you choose? Why there?

“New Yorrrrrrkkkk!!!!!  No question!  BUT that said, I've been cautioned by so many friends about how difficult it is to run a retail business in New York right now so that's probably on the back burner for a while.”


Do you have a favorite art piece or collected item? Why is it your fav?

“After years of being a huge Catherine Opie fan, I was finally able to collect one of her iconic ocean landscape photographs earlier this year.  Her work inspired me in 2014 to fall in love with contemporary art and the way it makes you feel, which is both very personal and can be collectively enjoyed as well.”

In a city always buzzing with the next big thing, how do you stay inspired / grounded?

“Having lived in multiple cities and worked in multiple industries allows me to keep a perspective that I think a lot of people are not lucky enough to experience.”

 Geraldine's Ritual:

Shop The Hand Care Duo Here


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